ATI TEAS 6 Full Study Guide in Color 3rd Edition 2021-2022: Complete subject review printed in color, 100 video lessons, 5 full practice tests both online ... realistic questions, 400 online flashcards
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Imagine walking out the door after taking your test with a big smile on your face because you just got an incredible score on the ATI TEAS. You now have the ability to control your future and you’re on your way to an amazing career helping other people. Sounds good right? This isn’t a fictional story, this is your reality. With the help of Smart Edition’s TEAS study guide we give you the tools and courage to conquer this test, we’ll help you get there, it’s why we exist. Let’s go ahead and get a few questions out of the way. Q. Is Smart Edition credible? A. 100% yes, which can’t be said for most TEAS study guides. Our founder has been publishing test prep study guides for over 20 years mastering the art of making great study guides. We only work with highly qualified subject matter experts to develop the content and our editorial team is second to none ensuring you get the highest quality materials. We don’t mess around when it comes to preparing for the TEAS. Q. Has it helped other students and will it help me pass the test? A. You bet, we help over 30,000 students per year prepare for and dominate the TEAS to the best of their ability. Our reviews speak for themselves. Q. Why should I buy the Smart Edition book instead of MoMetrix, Kaplan or any other options, how are you different? A. It’s pretty simple, you get better quality material that is more accurate to what is on the actual test and way more online resources and tools for your money. Feel free to study from a different study guide that is just okay, but not great, however, we don’t recommend it. Make sure any study guide you buy checks off these items: ✔ Material that accurately represents what’s actually on the test ✔ Printed in color not black and white ✔ Video lessons for every skill and lesson in the book ✔ Practice tests both in the book and online ✔ Flashcards online for every subject Features: 1. Printed in color Have you ever tried to read a pie chart with five colors in black and white? Or try to decipher a diagram of the cardiovascular system in black and white? It’s really not the same as color. You get the idea, there’s a significant benefit to having the material in color. It costs a lot more to print but we know how much it helps with studying, so we do it anyway because this is about you, not us. 2. Online video lessons You’ll have access to over 100 video lessons covering every topic and lesson on the test. People like to learn in different ways, it’s likely you would benefit from having both chapters in print as well as a video lesson to talk you through it. 3. 5 Practice tests containing 850 realistic questions and explanations Practice and repetition are one of the best ways to become more familiar with the material and the test itself. You can take the tests online as many times as you like. 4. Scored practice test report At the end of your online test, you receive a scored report with your score for each section and a breakdown of your strengths and weaknesses. This is crucial to know when deciding how to approach studying for the test. If you can identify your weak areas then you will know where you need to focus your studying, the time this saves you is invaluable. 5. Online flashcards for every subject with over 400 flashcards Flashcards are essential to reinforce what you are learning, it’s safe to say you won’t find any other study guides that include online flashcards. Amazing! You made it all the way to the end of this product description. So what are you waiting for? If needed go back to the top and re-read the part about you walking out of the test with a big smile on your face after passing. It’s your day, it’s your time, let’s do this.